
Ultimat Defence, the UK’s leading physical intervention equipment supplier and inventers of confined space modular training environments, as well as being creators and visionaries in so many areas of officer safety training, are teaming up with the world renowned “Tony Blauer” and his unrivalled range of officer safety solutions.
When sourcing equipment, all European agencies demand the very best “Total Training Solutions”, using proven, safe, efficient and technically excellent equipment! Now it’s all in one place with the announcement of a ground breaking collaboration: Ultimat Defence Limited + Tony Blauer’s Training Systems.
“Training for reality” is at the heart of equipment such as Ultimat Defence’s Black Wall system, dojo design, and countless other innovative pieces of training kit, and has also been at the forefront of Tony Blauer and his no-nonsense High Gear and Spear “force on force” training systems. With this unique collaboration your key to unlocking the very best, effective training is only a call away.